Day Of Surgery
The day of your procedure you will check in at the front desk. Your drivers license and insurance cards will be loaded into the system. There will be forms that will need to be signed (forms can be found under the forms tab). Once registration is complete you will go to pre-op where you will get ready for your procedure.
- Make sure you have your imaging disc to bring with you. The physician will want to see it before surgery.
- Make sure you bring your drivers license and insurance cards with you.
- You must have a driver. If your driver leaves the building they will need to leave their name and number with the receptionist.
- Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery.
- Do not drink alcoholic beverages or take recreational drugs 48 hours prior to surgery.
- Do not smoke before or after your surgery. Smoking may cause anesthetic problems.
- Do not take aspirin, aspirin products, fish oil, vitamin E, Motrin, ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve, or any herbal supplements for 7 days before surgery, unless otherwise instructed by your doctor. Talk to your doctor if you take Coumadin, Plavix, or other blood thinners.
- The nurse will instruct you on which if any medications you can take the day of surgery.
- If you are a diabetic, do not take any pills or insulin the morning of the procedure. If your surgery is scheduled for later in the day, we will give further instruction. Bring your insulin with you.
- Do not use lotions, gels, cologne, perfume or powders the morning of your surgery.
- Remove all nail polish before the day of surgery.
- Leave all jewelry at home, including rings, earrings, necklaces, etc..
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing.